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Bermuda Grass

What is Bermuda Grass?

Bermudagrass is a warm season grass that is heat and drought resistant, flourishing in full sunlight. The turf originated in Africa then traveled across the Atlantic Ocean and is believed to have made its way to the United States from Bermuda, hence its name. Since landing in America, it has become one of the most prevalent grass types in the southern United States.

Bermuda grass grows quickly, which makes its sod and seed less expensive than other turf types. However, quick growing also means more frequent mowing, one downside of Bermuda grass.

Blades of natural Bermuda grass are thick and flat. Bermuda grass stems spread rapidly thanks to rhizomes and stolons. Rhizomes are runners that grow below ground while stolons grow above ground. Both are stems that produce shoots of grass. Because the rhizomes and stolons can spread far, Bermudagrass can quickly invade flower beds and gardens.

The blades of hybrid types of Bermuda grass may be finer and thinner, but all Bermuda is recognizable by its color.

The grass is bright green or gray-green as it grows but will brown quickly once it goes dormant. Bermuda will go dormant once temperatures cool in the fall faster than other warm-season grasses and stay dormant longer. The grass should green up after significant rain in the spring once temperatures reach 60-65 degrees and higher.

Bermuda grass thrives in warm climates and full sunlight but does not do well in the shade. Homeowners may notice brown spots of grass beneath shady trees and decks while the rest of the lawn is fully green. If a lawn is mostly shaded, Bermuda grass may not be the best turf choice for that property.

Tips for caring for your Bermuda!

Bermuda grass is relatively easy to care for, especially if you give the turf attention a few times per year. By mowing & watering, as needed, you can have the most vibrant, beautiful lawn on the block!


Bermudagrass grows quickly so it requires frequent mowing, especially during rainy seasons. Follow these tips to keep your Bermuda grass healthy and weed-free.

  • Mow every 1-2 weeks as needed.

  • Keep grass blades 1/2 inch to 2 inches long. Do not remove more than 1/3 of the grass blade to prevent stress.

  • Your first mow should be in mid-March, after the final frost of winter, once soil temperatures reach 55 degrees or higher.

  • Your first mow after the winter should be low to remove dead or damaged grass.

  • Continue mowing throughout the spring, summer, and fall until the first frost of fall or until grass goes dormant.


Bermuda grass does not need as much water as some other grass types, but will still benefit from watering.

  • In the spring (March - May), and fall (September - November) bermudagrass should only be watered if there is an unexpected hot dry period or if the grass is curling and wilting.

  • During the summer, give your lawn at least 1.25 inches of water per week. We recommend watering for 2-4 hours every third day unless there is rain in the forecast.

  • Water grass in the morning to avoid burning the grass.

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